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Image by Alexander Grey

Aegosexual, also known as autochorissexual, is a term used to describe individuals on the asexual spectrum who experience a disconnection from the subject of arousal. Despite engaging in sexual fantasies, consuming sexual content, or masturbating, they generally have little to no sexual attraction and do not desire sexual involvement with others.

Common experiences of aegosexuals include:
1. Enjoying sexual content, masturbation, or fantasizing about sex but feeling indifferent or repulsed by the idea of being in a real-life sexual relationship.
2. Fantasizing about sex without personal involvement, often observing it from a third-person perspective or imagining other individuals such as celebrities, fictional characters, or friends.
3. Imagining faceless individuals or seeing the situation through the perspective of someone else rather than themselves.
4. Only fantasizing about themselves without involving others, often in an idealized and unrealistic manner, with realistic elements making the idea of sex less appealing or even repulsive.
5. Recognizing someone as sexually attractive but not feeling the desire to have sex with them in real life, preferring to fantasize about them or admire them.
6. Enjoying erotic content due to the situation or relationship dynamics in the story rather than personal attraction to the individuals involved.

Aegosexuality may be similar to pseudosexuality, which refers to experiencing a non-sexual attraction that mimics sexual attraction, often leading to arousal or a spike in libido.

The romantic equivalent of aegosexuality is aegoromantic.

Dr. Anthony Bogaert, a psychologist specializing in human sexuality, coined the term "autochorisexual" in 2012. At that time, asexuality was considered a psychological disorder, so he classified it as a paraphilia. This led to controversy surrounding the name "autochorisexual," with some individuals choosing to identify with the alternative label "aegosexual."

In November 2014, a Tumblr user named Sugar-And-Spite coined the term "aegosexual" to provide an easier-to-pronounce alternative to "autochorisexual" and to remove the original classification as a paraphilia.

Some aegosexuals were uncomfortable with Dr. Bogaert's definition of autochorisexual, leading to the creation of other definitions with different perspectives on whether aegosexuals experience sexual attraction.

The aegosexual flag, similar to the asexual flag, features a triangle with colors in a different order. The triangle represents the opposite of asexuality, as aegosexuals may initially seem like sexual individuals. The colors have the same meanings as the asexual flag, with the grey stripe representing arousal as something in between.

Various alternative flags exist, each with unique color representations and meanings created by different individuals within the aegosexual community.

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