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Image by Alexander Grey

Transgender is a term encompassing individuals whose internal sense of gender differs from the sex assigned to them at birth based on primary and secondary sex characteristics. Such individuals may experience discomfort or distress, prompting a desire to transition to their identified gender.

The experience of being transgender varies; some realize it from a young age, while others go through a period of questioning. Transgender people can belong to any gender, express diverse sexual orientations, and may not conform to societal gender norms.

Those whose gender identity aligns with their assigned sex are referred to as cisgender. It's essential to recognize the diverse terminology used for transgender individuals, as preferences may differ among individuals and communities.

Discussions about transgender people primarily focus on gender identity. For instance, a trans man identifies as a man despite being assigned female at birth, emphasizing internal experience over societal perception. The distinction between gender and sex is crucial, with gender representing internal experience and sex referring to physical attributes.

Terms like "male-bodied" and "female-bodied" are considered inappropriate, as they conflate gender with sex. Instead, the terminology "assigned male/female/intersex at birth" acknowledges variations and cultural differences in gender.

The concepts of the gender binary and gender spectrum are significant. The gender binary posits only two genders (man and woman), while the gender spectrum sees gender as a continuum. Gender transition can take various forms, including social, legal, and medical aspects, with individuals experiencing dysphoria or euphoria based on their gender alignment.

It's important not to make assumptions about an individual's transition, as desires and choices vary. Some may transition early in life, while others do so later, and not all transgender individuals undergo surgery. Even post-transition, individuals may not conform to societal stereotypes associated with their gender identity.

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