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무료 레즈비언 데이트 앱

Welcome to Himoon

무료 레즈비언 데이트 앱

픽셀보다 개성

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무료 레즈비언 데이트 앱
무료 레즈비언 데이트 앱
Himoon peering man
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The New Way To Date

Personality over pixels - are you curious?

HiMoon is the new dating app for the entire LGBTQ + community. Whatever your gender, or your preferences, you’re welcome!


We’re a new way to connect, chat & meet - where personality and interests are valued as much as the physical. Your profile picture appears blurry to all users. With each message exchanged, part of your photo is revealed to your match and vice versa!

Chat icon


안전 최우선

Himoon's mission is to offer new dating opportunities where personality is valued as much as looks. We want to create a safe online meeting place for the LGBT+ community. Everyone is free to remain discreet if they wish, and remains in control at all times. On Himoon, discrimination, racism, judgment and harassment have no place. On the contrary, the application promotes respect and tolerance. Our four core values are inclusiveness, boldness, authenticity and safety. Feel free to visit our 'about us' page to find out more about who we are.

Woman with green hair
Eye icon

Find Your Perfect Match

Join Himoon today and find your perfect match. Our app caters to a diverse audience and offers a platform for LGBTQ individuals to meet new people in their area. Sign up now and get ready to find love!

Himoon blurred people revealing
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프라이드 알림

LGBTQ 뉴스에 대한 최신 정보를 받아보세요

Stay informed on the latest news and updates in the LGBTQ community with Himoon's Blog. 

Himoon is different

Phone with Himoon profile
Battery icon

채팅 & 서로 알아가세요

신나는 컨셉의 익명 채팅을 즐겨보세요! 진지한 대화를 원하든, 재미를 원하든, 좀 더 자극적인 것을 원하든 그것은 당신에게 달려 있습니다!

Weight icon

개성 기반 매칭

Match based on personality, not their pixels with photos initially blurred and form a real connection

Broadcast icon

Photos slowly revealed

저희 고유 기능을 사용하면 사용자가 서로 채팅하면서 사진이 점차 공개되어 개성에 따른 매칭과 의미 있는 대화를 강조할 수 있습니다.

Water drops icon


우리는 성 정체성이나 성적 지향에 관계없이 모든 LGBTQ 개인을 위한 포용적인 커뮤니티를 만들기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

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