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The Lesbian Dating App

Welcome to Himoon

The Lesbian Dating App

Personalidade acima dos pixels

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The Lesbian Dating App
The Lesbian Dating App
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The New Way To Date

Personality over pixels - are you curious?

HiMoon is the new dating app for the entire LGBTQ + community. Whatever your gender, or your preferences, you’re welcome!


We’re a new way to connect, chat & meet - where personality and interests are valued as much as the physical. Your profile picture appears blurry to all users. With each message exchanged, part of your photo is revealed to your match and vice versa!


Colocando sua segurança em primeiro lugar

Himoon's mission is to offer new dating opportunities where personality is valued as much as looks. We want to create a safe online meeting place for the LGBT+ community. Everyone is free to remain discreet if they wish, and remains in control at all times. On Himoon, discrimination, racism, judgment and harassment have no place. On the contrary, the application promotes respect and tolerance. Our four core values are inclusiveness, boldness, authenticity and safety. Feel free to visit our 'about us' page to find out more about who we are.

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Find Your Perfect Match

Join Himoon today and find your perfect match. Our app caters to a diverse audience and offers a platform for LGBTQ individuals to meet new people in their area. Sign up now and get ready to find love!

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Mantenha-se informado sobre as notícias LGBTQ

Stay informed on the latest news and updates in the LGBTQ community with Himoon's Blog. 

Himoon is different


Bate-papo e conhecimento mútuo

Experimente este bate-papo anônimo com um conceito empolgante! Se você está procurando um bate-papo sério, divertido ou algo um pouco mais picante, você decide!

Correspondência baseada em personalidade

Match based on personality, not their pixels with photos initially blurred and form a real connection

Photos slowly revealed

Nosso recurso exclusivo permite que as fotos sejam reveladas gradualmente à medida que os usuários conversam entre si, enfatizando a correspondência baseada na personalidade e as conversas significativas.


Nós nos esforçamos para criar uma comunidade inclusiva para todos os indivíduos LGBTQ, independentemente da identidade de gênero ou orientação sexual.


Join Himoon Today

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